
My second post and one can think that i should be more active when you have a website, but at the same time I want to use it to truly inspirational posts. Right now we are in Prague, one from my perspective finest city. Today we have walked around in the city for hours and taking in every detail and energy that this city gives:) It was a long time since I was on a trip and are in such harmony and tranquility, yet so curious about everything ..whop whop …. ..Totally amazing. I’ve never been particularly interested in buildings and culture, but quite amazing what time and energy that are put behind every detail of all the buildings in this city. And when I look at all the buildings I just think, what drived them? Whose idea was this? and why? I’m not talking about building buildings in the whole world of it, is done all over the world in every moment and minute but at all the thought and effort behind the details that adorn these massive buildings. What did they wanna communicate? Later in the afternoon when we walk up the mountain so I meet people who show off their talents along the roads, initially in my mind I feelt sorry for them, they do not seem to have it so good that needs to stand there all day . But at the same time they’s so creative, they are good at something and trying to survive but again so disturbed in my mind that I felt sorry for them. At the same time I started to analyze this and thought, What drives them? what causes them to get up in the morning, day in and day out to Showa along the street for the paltry money? ? Why are they doing this?

Eventually, I was greeted by this young lord) At the top of the hill, maybe he got there by enough smiling to people everyday) A young boy, who according to the standards should play football or play with friends or make what everyone else does. What drove him this morning to spend the day playing guitar for all the people passing, what was he thinking when he packed his little blue bag this morning? adding his guitar case as a meeting place for the few measly coins that passersby threw to him? Why does he do this? Why was he not playing with the other children? and why I started to get warm in the body of joy and almost envied this little boy and all the others I’ve met and analyzed during the day? and like all buildings with their majestic details !!!! Why are all the details there? why are the people there and playing and dancing, or doing tricks on the mountain?

Wonder if they knew that we one day will look at these buildings and get inspired? or maybe they’re a true satisfied  to do what they love? Either way, my truth today that those people have a passion, a passion to compliment their existence, they have something that wakes them in the morning and drives them to the streets to brighten themselves by doing what they love. You should have seen the boy’s burning eyes, how happy he was when he played the guitar, the way he smiled, the way he smiled at the people who passed by, he smiled so big and played like never before even that the guitar case was almost empty of money. But he inspired … he inspired at least one person and it was me, and when I thought back to the others I met during the day, I remember that they were happy and laughing  also. and I realized again that success is not what lands in the guitar case, instead success is to do what makes you happy. Today I saw people, passionate people, people that do not let circumstances such as the empty guitar case affect their happiness, but people who follow their hearts and chase their luck in every second and they achieve it by doing what they love and showcase their talents, I think they feeling good about theme selves, one sees that they are proud. These people leave an impression and makes the world more full of joy, harmony and happiness

Thanks to the guy in the picture, you made my day, you inspired me to follow my heart, I want to laugh and look as happy as you are, for true happiness does not lie!

For you out there, follow your heart, no matter if they only get a few coins in the guitar case. The real happiness is in it that makes us weep tears of joy inside. And one day you might be inspired like the boy inspired me today. to write about him and who knows, maybe he knows it. Perhaps it is the happiness he spread in his music 🙂 I want to be like him!

I dare to believe in!

What do you think?

Have a loving Day / A

“Be the change you wanna se in the world”